** NOTE this class is complete and you may register for the recording below.

Pragmatic tools to begin creating true intimacy with yourself and others

Vulnerability. Gratitude. Honor. Trust. Allowance

A 90-min Live Training with Robyn Vogel for those ready to open and create more healing connection in their lives

New dates TBA.  Check back.


To put it bluntly, we aren't taught about intimacy.
And you don’t need to keep going it alone.


Is this type of thing that is happening in your love life or lack thereof?


  • You hold yourself back from speaking your truth  
  • You say “no” before you even know what is being asked 
  • You’d rather stay home alone than put yourself out there
  • You are more comfortable just doing what you’re used to doing 
  • You haven’t been on a Dating app (wait, what’s a Dating app?) 
  • There’s just a never-ending tension that exists inside you 
  • You’d rather lie, than tell the truth 
  • You avoid conflict at all costs 
  • You feel angry all the time and sometimes don’t even know why 
  • You are always working and have no time for socializing 
  • You wish you could change a situation and it just keeps on frustrating you 
  • Love life?  What love life?  

Each of these instances, whether they are holding you back from opening up to connection, or you are avoiding conflict at all costs, they have nothing to do with you being right or wrong.

Here’s the thing, we aren’t taught what INTIMACY actually is!  We have it twisted up in a knot with sex and most people think they are one and the same!   


It wasn’t until I was TAUGHT that love, intimacy and sexuality were 3 distinct aspects of relationship that I was able to unblock myself from having what I wanted the most in life!  


It’s very difficult, almost impossible, to make changes to things we cannot see and understand.  Studying the 5 Elements of Intimacy changed everything for me.  I stopped hiding and started loving.  



A 90-min Live Training  for those ready to create more intimacy  in their lives


Most people don’t know what Intimacy truly is!

I didn’t, until someone taught me.

Intimacy has 5 components and once you learn to master all of them, you will have the capacity to create a fulfilling, healing, compassionate relationship with a partner.  


Not having this information leads to a closed heart, feeling afraid of being abandoned all the time, worrying that someone you love would leave you, feeling angry all the time (at someone else) and not appreciating or being able to see what’s in front of you! 


When you know what Intimacy truly is and how to ignite it in your life, then so much is possible for you and your relationships. 


You get to move away from unhealthy patterns and addictions and instead use your heart-centered resources to heal yourself and connect with others. 

It’s such a good feeling that heart-to-heart connection!  


Understanding and embracing INTIMACY allows you to...

  • Break patterns of self-protection and fear of abandonment 
  • Feel safer opening up to connection with someone else 
  • Feel seen, heard and understood by others 
  • Get that love is available to you 
  • Access more of yourself, how you feel and express yourself openly 
  • Trust yourself and therefore, those around you 
  • Feel grateful for a juicy mutual attraction 
  • Honor your body and what s/he desires and requires 
  • Receive more of what you want to receive in life and love 
  • And so much more…..


“.....magically magnificent month with an amazing trip to Costa Rica with my forever love Sandy Deryck on retreat with our beloved Robyn Vogel - Come Back To Love community.

"A powerful energetic and spiritual journey that has forever changed our lens on love and life. I am humble, I am love, I am full of gratitude.”   — Mitchell Rosenwald, Dec '23 

Here’s part of what we'll do together during this amazing class:

Deep inner work to identify one of your main blocks to Intimacy and then come face to face with it for deeper self-acceptance. 

​Experience a somatic technique to start embodying the 5 elements of Intimacy so you know them from the inside and out. 

Learn 3 of the most common Love and Intimacy Archetypes, and how they show up in your daily decisions, feelings & actions.

"What you’ll be learning in the workshop is powerful tools that will help you move forward in meaningful ways. As always, change is a process: the more you apply the tools you learn and do the inner work consistently, the more results you will see." - Participant, 2023


Live Training with Robyn Vogel 

  • Live teaching
  • Private (apart from Facebook) chat for ongoing support
  • Forever replays
  • Discount on follow-up private session with Robyn 



Hear from past participants...

'Robyn has a facilitation style that encourages and inspires Love to show up. Her classes and retreats invite Love to come out of its hiding place. I especially appreciate Robyn’s natural ability to read a group and intuitively shift towards the next exercise or experience that wants to happen. And to provide a safe space for that exploration! Thank you Robyn!'

~ Andrew

'You have an extraordinary gift. Thank you so much, Robyn!! Your classes and retreats have changed my life and my relationship.  We couldn't find our way to our hearts and spent lots of time arguing. I thought we'd probably break up when we met you.  Now we are fully in love, have tools that we actually use when we start to get triggered and I trust now that the relationship is a keeper!" 

~ Cassandra

'Robyn is helping me to recognize the importance of taking excellent care of myself. The experience in the class with Robyn helped me to reconnect with my heart and in turn, I am learning to connect with the hearts of my loved ones.'

~ Beth


Recognized as one of the top teachers of the Heart in her community, Robyn is known for providing trauma-informed, heart-centered solutions that are designed to ignite a sense of love, expand the spirit, and heal the past. In a time of fleeting social media interactions, one-hour coffee dates, and a world that looks like it's falling apart, Robyn offers hope, genuine human connection, and inner transformation. 
Participants are enveloped in a warm transmission of Divine Love, absorbing heart-healing wisdom shared by Robyn. Seemingly stuck patterns and wounds from the past can find resolution and peace.  Participants will gain a renewed sense of love, connection and intimacy in their lives, and witness the activation of their own intuitive heart. 
Together, we will experience the power of love in its most transformative form.
Robyn has led hundreds of retreats, workshops, and classes with thousands of participants and clients in the US and abroad.