Unlock Your Sacred Love Archetype

Discover Your Biggest Love Block and Let It Go

Hosted by:  Robyn Vogel 

📅 Date: Oct 10, 17. 24 and 31, 2024  
⏰ Time:  12  pm Eastern
📌 Venue: Zoom online 

Once you understand the root of your fear, and how it is uniquely expressed in your life, you can heal it. By getting to know your  version of fear and where it came from, it becomes possible to take action to change your behavior and open up to true love. 

This 4-week, in-depth study of Sacred Love Archetypes (developed and discovered by Robyn Vogel) will help you identify a pattern that's been keeping you stuck and free your heart for love again 

Classes will run for 60 min and a replay will be available within 24 hours. 


$297 early bird thru Oct 1

$397 through Oct 5

$497 til we begin on Oct 10 

$297.00 USD or more