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If I can come back to love, anyone can.  I say that because by the time I was 10 years old, I had experienced unimaginable loss already. I was raised mostly by my father and as you can imagine that was difficult for a teenage girl.  Besides, he had lots of work to do to take care of me and my sister, the house, the lawn.....I did a lot of growing up on my own. 

This personal story of loss is a Come Back to Love triumph. I could have ended up in a pretty bad situation when I was a teenager but I didn’t because I found just enough love in my friends to keep me moving forward. 

I grew up believing that happiness, joy, deep connection and love were for other people.  Until one day it struck me that I could have that too.  My life started to change at that moment. I was 32 years old.

It's been 25 years since that "aha" moment and I've created a life filled with love. I have so much to share with the world about how to come back to love after loss.

I am the embodiment of resilience, heart energy and love.

Battling through the grips of grief and sadness, I emerged courageous, strong with my heart wide open. I believe the human spirit is unstoppable.

Because of my unconventional mindset and unwillingness to accept limitations, I am making a positive impact on thousands of lives around the world. 

My journey is one of transformation, marked by triumphs over adversity and a refusal to accept anything less than greatness.

I am not just a leader; I am an intuitive visionary - a guiding light for those who dare to dream and a relentless champion for those who refuse to settle for anything less than extraordinary.

I hold sacred space for people to heal together. I invite curiosity, acceptance, a deep spiritual practice, and teach how to bestow love upon yourself and each other. I provide an open-hearted and safe place to explore intimacy, healing, and deep connection. 

I look forward to walking on this path with you. With love and great respect,




I am a trauma-informed, Internal Family Systems psychotherapist and Love and Intimacy Coach with over 25 years experience working those ready for deeper love and intimacy in their lives. I teach globally - leading transformational workshops and retreats.  Heal Your Heart ® is my flagship program that finally gets to the root of how change happens so that singles can finally and completely heal the past and create healthy relationships that last.  

I shepherd all I work with to return to a loving connection with themselves after loss, heartbreak, and trauma.

In my programs and with my guidance you will heal your heart in a way that you haven't been able to before.  You've likely tried everything but you haven't yet tried the Come Back To Love® Gates Approach.

I have been featured as an expert in the Boston Globe, Redbook Magazine, Digital Romance Inc, Dating Over 40, Sex for Her Health, and Happiness. 


"I am developing and exploring new intimate relationships with direct, open, and loving communication. 

Simply put, the past three months have been three of the happiest months I have experienced in the past couple of decades-- and love is more present in my life today than ever before, in ways I never imagined possible."

 "Robyn's group is a spiritual awakening for me. The people in the group are inspiring to me. 

I feel empowered to be a man again giving myself permission to honor a woman and since working with you,

I met and began dating an amazing woman!"

"I found this community about a year into my divorce process-- a year that has been the most painful one of my life.  I did some deep healing work and finding this community has been such a gift.  The events Robyn runs create a remarkable sense of intimacy and connection.  There is a energy that allows us connect mindully with each other-- a rare quality for a community"

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