Love Yourself So You Can Love Others Again 

Join Robyn Vogel, IFS therapist + Love and Intimacy Expert for a Deep Dive 90 min Masterclass  


The Self Love Lab live call has already happened.  Register for the recording. 

Are these the types of thing you are saying to yourself?

  • I am not someone people choose to love
  • I am sick of feeling alone; I miss having a partner

  • Ugh, why do I keep attracting the wrong person?????
  • I'm just more comfortable at home without anyone else around (me and my TV!)
  • I am too this or too that...not ready to date! 
  • So bummed that yet again I have repeated a relationship pattern that leaves me lonely, abandoned and not met
  • I have goals in my life and I never seem to reach them - It seems that I move forward a few steps and then suddenly I find myself back where I started
  • All I hear all day in my head is what I am doing wrong....

Each of these draining and confusing thoughts aren't because you're not capable of loving yourself well....

These thoughts are present because deep down you have come to believe them as true.  

But you can bring more LOVE into your life starting with falling in love with yourself....and when you do, so much changes in your life - not only your love life but your health, your financial reality, your vibrancy and your capacity to generate a life you love.  


All of this is possible!    

And now it's time to UNLOCK what's been blocking you from loving all of you - all parts of you! We will take an Internal Family System's approach to SELF LOVE in this powerful MASTERCLASS.

I'm Ready To Love Myself!


You can spend your entire life trying to find the "right" partner, trudging uphill to make things better - more dating apps, more therapy, more classes


but if you don't identify what is causing you to not be in the loving relationship you want to be in, it's very difficult to make lasting change.

Do you feel like old patterns keep repeating themselves?
And you just haven't attracted your partner yet?

Or are you in a relationship but find yourself drained and over giving

When you finally start to authentically LOVE yourself inside + in practice, so much more is possible.

Life changes for the better. 
A happy optimistic YOU is just around the corner!

There are many reasons you aren't loving yourself in the best possible way yet. Emotional reasons - wounds from the past, negative beliefs, spinning your wheels in therapy. And more....

But the question to ask yourself is: 

Is NOW the time to create the life and intimate loving relationship that you desire - LOVE YOU SO YOU CAN LOVE OTHERS AGAIN?

Is it time?


The Self Love Lab is designed for you to take a deep dive into yourself.  Take an honest look inside and gain tools needed to love again.


Join us Monday, Sept 23 at 7 pm EST

Good news! Are ready to....

  • Clear the unhelpful beliefs (self-doubt, unworthy, not good at this) that are holding you back? 

  • Draw to you the relationship you desire?

  • Re-write your love story going forward?

Yes, I'm Ready to Love Myself (Free Masterclass)

 Are you ready to love yourself so you can love others? 

Let's go! 

 You're invited to a 90-minute Masterclass, The Self Love Lab with Robyn Vogel. 


Here’s part of what you'll receive & experience:

  • You'll do deep inner work to identify one of your main blocks to Self Love and courageously come face-to-face with it so it isn't in your way anymore
  • You will see with clarity how not fully loving yourself is interfering with aspects of your life (finally, the "a-ha" moment you've been waiting for)
  • You will learn about 3 archetypes and how using them can support you 
  • You will understand more deeply how your past is still currently influencing your present 
Yes, I'm Ready to Create More Love and Intimacy!

Meet Your Facilitator, Robyn Vogel

Hi, I'm Robyn and I've been facilitating master level intimacy workshops and classes for over 20 years so that there are more healthy loving singles+couples in the world today.  

I bring experience and an extensive background in deep healing in the intimate realms including sex. My practice includes many traditional and esoteric healing modalities including Internal Family Systems, breath work, shamanic journeying, ritual and more.  

I have led hundreds of retreats, classes and workshops with thousands of people in the US and abroad. 

Yes, Robyn! I'm In! I Can't Wait!

Class Details

We will meet at 7 pm Monday, Sept 23 for 90 minutes.

Attend online via Zoom - Recordings included 

You will be invited to Unlock Your Love Archetype class at the end of the Masterclass.

No pressure. Just an incentive to join within 24 hours.