This is a woman who’s making the world a better place one heart at a time!

I am beside myself excited. My feelings of love and gratitude for what you have created are boundless. The growth that I have made individually is special in its own right. Upon further reflection, though, look at everyone who has been a part of what you’ve created, Robyn. Look at the personal growth and feelings of connection and love that people are experiencing. Look at the risks people are taking that have changed their lives into something they had only dreamed of before meeting you. People stepping into the light which is so needed on the planet right now. Ripples that can be felt so strongly and don’t end anywhere but continue into our homes and communities. Love really is a Miracle and so is guiding people on how and where to find it. That’s what you do my dear. Love you with my whole being!
Amherst, MA

The lesson Robyn taught ā€‹us ā€‹ā€‹impacted us so profoundā€‹ly. That life forceā€‹ – ā€‹ā€‹our sexual energyā€‹ -ā€‹ is something we each have access to and are not dependent upon others to unlock. Imagine how much more satisfied I am and how much easier ā€‹my relationships are – at work and at home – as a result.
Cambridge, MA

We were just singing your praises! On Sunday we went to the place where we first kissed. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said YES!!! We are so happy.There were tears of love, joy and relief as it has been quite the journey. There was a rainbow which we took as a definite sign of the reason to celebrate. Much love and gratitude for all of your support!
Jamaica Plain, MA

I was single when I first met Robyn. I met my partner at one of her workshops. After a year together, we are reminded again and again of the importance of “Coming Back to Love” — finding the divine spark in ourselves, and in each other so that we can be refreshed in the comfort of knowing that love is available in every moment. If we step back when we are feeling separate, hurt, confused, misunderstood, or unloved — Love is right there waiting to be renewed: deeper, sweeter, wider, and richer than ever.
Mystic, CT

Thank you so much Robyn! I have learned so much and am excited knowing how much I am going to grow and change as a result. Robyn Vogel, your passion commitment and desire for everyone on the planet to Come Back To Love is such a beautiful and powerful gift to humanity. I feel so blessed to have you in my life!
Boston, MA

I appreciate the loving way in which you are able to hold a space. I love the way you exude calm and ease – I love the clarity at which you share when you are leading a group that you are transparent and honest and often express vulnerable feelings.
Green Mountains, VT

Washington DC

When I first came to Robyn for coaching, I was feeling hopeless about partnering again. I was also unsure of what I was even looking for, much less that I would ever find it. Robyn allowed me to see answers for myself that I didn’t even know were there. As a result of working with Robyn, I started looking at dating (and my life) differently, living more in the moment, and was able to clearly identify what I wanted. Best of all, I found - and married - the most wonderful partner! I am happier than I could have ever imagined!!
Arlington, MA

I love your grounded, depthful presence along with the spaciousness you bring to all you do. Your authenticity and how you hold the room with love is a rare gem!
Conscious Intimacy, Boston, MA

You have an unmistakable authentic presence. You are a master facilitator of experience, relationship and intimacy.
Quincy, MA

When we first met 3 yeas ago, John and I were delighted to find we shared an interest in an open relationship. But, enthusiastic as we were, we were clueless.Robyn is gifted when it comes to creating safe spaces where intimacy and sexuality and all its messiness can gracefully unfold. Her warmth and compassion allow miracles to happen, and we are blessed to have found her.
Jamaica Plain, MA