A Simple Way To Come Back To Yourself

I’m curious how you’ve been doing loving yourself? A few weeks ago I wrote about being in alignment and this being the first order of things before truly knowing what’s next. Before designing your day, before knowing your true desire in any given moment. Knowing who you are is important. I know I am stating the obvious.
However, it also changes, doesn’t it? We go through stages in our lives or phases depending on circumstances. We are growing and changing all the time.
So knowing how to come back into alignment with yourself is one of the most important skills to know and practice. And to me this is #comebacktolove in action. Coming back to YOU….or in other words, to LOVE.
Put your hand on your heart now. Take a deep breath. Really focus on the inhale and the exhale….this breath truly does have an impact on you. It relaxes your body physically; it calms down your nervous system. INSPIRATION is just that — in-spirit….bringing yourself back to your HEART; your true self.
There are many ways to come into alignment with yourself. A simple hand on your heart and a few deep breaths is the easiest way.
Of course, there’s also the question of what’s in your way of coming back to YOU? Typically fears, emotional trauma, distraction and an inability to relax, unhealthy patterns and behaviors, and sometimes just simple personal development is happening just as it should. So don’t be frustrated with yourself if you haven’t been able to master this yet. Do you recognize any of these fears or patterns in yourself?
I know for me I spent years distracted and healing from childhood trauma. Keeping myself overly busy, overly committing to social engagements and work commitments became a pattern of distraction that I used for many years….kept me distant from myself and unable to know who I truly was on the inside. All of this kept me addicted to the external things of life and not at all aware of the depth of me on the inside.
I’ve worked hard over the years…making LOVE my mantra….and each year I’ve gotten closer and closer to knowing myself. Now coming into alignment is a daily practice — a moment-to-moment practice and one that has taught me and led me to my true self. And yes…it’s an ongoing process! I look forward to knowing more, seeing what I haven’t seen yet and loving even more deeply.
With so much love,