Preparing Your Heart for Lasting Love

Those of you that have delved deeper into the profound teachings of ā€˜Come Back To Loveā€™, you are continuously reminded (by me!) of the importance of inner healing and self-discovery on your healing jo...
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These Workshops Are Not For You

Dear Person Who Comes To My Workshops Only To Get Turned On, Have Sex or Find Someone To Have Sex With, These workshops aren't for you.Ā  I know....it's not that straightforward.Ā  It's much more comp...
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How to Set an Intention

Have you ever sat down to meditate on your own, without an app or guide, and wondered where to start? It can be a little intimidating.Setting an intention from the outset w...
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Harmonizing Breath

* Adapted from Charles and Caroline Muir's Conscious Loving Set aside 10-15 minutes to do this exercise. It's nice to do it before sleep but it is also a lovely way to begin the day! The position fo...
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Seeing the Beloved in Everyone

Do you have to BELIEVE that everyone you come across with is a potential life partner? Or best friend?Ā  Or lover, beloved in order for this practice to work? Ā Well, YES.Ā  But also NO.Ā  In some way, th...
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Let's Remove the Obstacles to Intimacy in Your Life!

Are you feeling unfulfilled and disconnected?Single and touch deprived?Ā  Feeling the need to share and have someone listen really deeply to you?Ready to discover what it feels like to experience pleas...
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What about what you truly desire?

Has anyone stopped to ask you what you truly desire? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what you truly desire? What if you could erase everything that's in your life right now....the people, famil...
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If you knew me you would know

Guest post by: Debi O'Brien If you knew me, you would know that ... Recently, I attended a Come Back to Love workshop with Robyn Vogel where we were given this question to answer and share with othe...
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When I was 13 I Had No Choice

This morning I had a huge awareness and I wanted to share it with you.Ā  As I share, the invitation is to listen to what shows up for you from your own life.Ā  Ā  When I was 13 years old - on my birthd...
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I came back to me

You havenā€™t heard from me in a while.Ā  Nowā€¦I know what you might be thinking ā€œWTF, I hear from Robyn ALL THE TIME! I hear from her too much in factĀ ā€¦.ā€ Ā Or maybe you agree with meā€¦.you havenā€™t heard f...
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