
Are you passionate about LOVE?

How are you doing as the holidays approach? Hanukkah began this week and Christmas and New Year’s Eve are a few weeks away.  On the one hand, it’s amazing to me that 2020 is nearing a close. On the other hand, it’s amazing to me that 2020 is nearing a close….. 

How could it be that we’ve navigated almost 10 months of a pandemic?  

I’m curious how you’ve been using this time.  Today I am reflecting on the thoughts I had at the beginning of the pandemic in March. 

I was asking myself (and you) how I want to use this precious time?  How I want to spend this precious life?  What do I want to say when I look back at this time – about how I spent it, what I learned? 

You know how passionate I am about LOVE and SELF LOVE, right?   

Since you are part of this community, I’m guessing that these things are massively important to you as well (especially if you want to feel aligned with your life purpose, stay healthy and have amazing relationships — it’s all starts with LOVE…..) 

Personally when I look back on the past 9-10 months, I see that my self care has improved significantly!  Every day I take care of my body, mind and spirit with focus and conscious attention.  

I’ve stumbled (in a good way) on the next piece of physical healing my body is ready for and I’ve embarked on that path…..my meditation practice has picked up and my daily connection with the Universe is stabilizing. 

And a whole lot more that I’ve shared in previous emails….the point is that the pandemic brought me to a PAUSE and invited me to slow down and ask myself WHAT BRINGS ME JOY?  

Now that the end of 2020 is approaching, it’s an exceptional time to reflect on this very unique year you’ve been living through — and what brings YOU JOY?

SO — what do you want to experience in this precious life?  How do you want to literally spend your days?  What’s important to you to give?  To receive? 

Is there something you are doing that is not in alignment with LOVING YOURSELF?  What about loving another?  

A few reflective questions for you to consider…..as always, I do love to hear from you.  If we haven’t connected on Facebook, here’s the link.  Or simply write to me directly….

Much love to all of you!  Daily Intimacy info for this coming week is below! 

“If the mind is clear and the heart is pure, that’s all that you need.”

– Baba Haraji Ram, Sonoma Ashram

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