
Dreaming into next year through the doorway of the Winter Solstice

A time for hibernation in a way…..an invitation to go into the dark stillness and listen. A time for quiet reflection. It’s been quite a year and the steady ongoing darkness of the Solstice is a pause in the year…a turning point, a transition.

On the other side, we look to the returning light and a new year in 2021.

In today’s Satsang with my guru from the Sonoma Ashram, Babaji talked about the lotus flower that lies in our heart’s center.  It opens as we breathe in…..it closes as we breathe out.  He suggested that we leave the lotus closed for now.  That we tuck ourselves inside of it and rest.  It’s winter….it’s dark…..time for restoration, rejuvenation and the deep listening/receiving that is possible in the stillness.

In the heart space we can rely on receiving unconditional love (that is the divine, that is us….)  It is there that we have the possibility to merge with the divine, to experience unity rather than separation and to dream into existence what it is we would like to experience.

Happy Blessed Winter Solstice Celebration to you.  May you reap the benefits of our spiritual practice and bring more peace into the world today and always.

Daily Intimacy info for this coming week is below – we will be celebrating the Solstice together!


“If the mind is clear and the heart is pure, that’s all that you need.”

– Baba Haraji Ram, Sonoma Ashram

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