
Happy Valentineā€™s Day! YOU are # 1

Happy Valentine’s Day to you! Happy SELF LOVING DAY to you! Happy JOYFUL beautiful day to you…..

I’m curious how your love, respect and honor practice is going this week. Did any of you take this one? If you don’t know what I’m talking about click here to read last week’s love letter from me.

As we move deeper into the winter time here in New England with the sun shining brightly (and staying out longer each day), we are also steeped in the the cold winter covid blues. Brrrr…………..

I’ve heard from many of you about how hard this time is. People are struggling with depression, fatigue, anxiety, sluggishness, worsening health and living with fear and stress that does a number on your well-being.

It’s time to CHANGE ALL OF THAT! It’s time to take action and shift your mindset so that THRIVING is more than POSSIBLE. Now.

If you haven’t yet put yourself on the TOP of your priority list, I invite you to do so TODAY.

—-> How amazing would it be to support YOURSELF in thriving sustainably even during a pandemic?

Today I am going to address the first step as THRIVING is my daily focus these days. After experiencing pandemic fatigue myself (which surprised me), I took action and shifted things so that THRIVING is not only possible but likely.

Ask yourself this question: Is there a way that I can adjust things in order to maintain my “THRIVING” zone?

First question is – What does your THRIVING zone look, feel, taste, smell like….to YOU?

Does it smell like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies? Does it feel like sweat and tired muscles after a good run outside? Is it a day of satisfying work that added $1000 to your bank account? You define it for yourself.

FIRST STEP: Define THRIVING in the life of Jaquelyn.

I invite you to really do this – take out your journal or pad of paper, markers, pens or computer and get it down. Create a picture of what THRIVING looks like to you.

And then ask yourself – –

What ONE THING can I do today that brings me closer to

THRIVING on a daily basis?

What do I need to release in order to experience

THRIVING in a sustainable way?

One thing I’ve done is asked myself, “Would I choose this X if I were the TOP PRIORITY in my life? If the answer is YES, then I choose it! If the answer is “no” then I let it go, make other plans, or reschedule.

With all the stress you’ve been experiencing inside and out, it is time now to prioritize YOU.

I wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day – I wish you a day (a life) of FULLY HONORING YOU. And I wish that to myself as well!


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Two Step

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