
I came back to me

You haven’t heard from me in a while.  Now…I know what you might be thinking “WTF, I hear from Robyn ALL THE TIME! I hear from her too much in fact ….”  Or maybe you agree with me….you haven’t heard from me in a while.  Either way…

…please read the sentence again.

You haven’t heard from ME in a while.

Yes, you’ve gotten emails from me — some sharing about other work I appreciate, some inviting you to participate in something or another, some marketing type emails, and some personal sharing, yes.

But not from ME and my heart in depth…not in a while…

I’ve learned a LOT in the past 12 months.

It was a growth period for me…of the accelerated type.  I learned a lot of external things that offer me more confidence when it comes to the technology piece of running a business; this information has been great to practice and master.

I grew a LOT internally as well.

This past week it has all started to clarify and integrate.

Sometimes we are on a winding path…trying new things, seeing how they land, making “mistakes” (growth opps, never truly mistakes.)

And now, for me, it’s time to come back to the foundation.

‘Come Back To Love’ whether it has an “inc” after it or a ® after it has always been about LOVE. Beginning with ourselves.  SELF LOVE.

When I write those words, I am moved to tears to be honest.

Because SELF LOVE is profound…it’s deep…it’s hard…
…and it is EVERYTHING.

Most of us spend a life time trying to figure out what it means; deepen our experience of it; healing the layers that get in the way of it…and learning to express it fully without reservation.

I have come back to my own experience – that resides in my heart – of self love, of “come back to love.” 

I am so looking forward to dropping in with you deeply again…to showing up vulnerably and openly.

To sharing what I feel inspired to share.  And to joining you, and having you join me where you feel called to.

Every Saturday I will send out a newsletter – Soulful Self Love – there you will read writings, poetry, conversations; you will receive ideas and inspiration, practical tools, and more to  support you in COMING BACK TO LOVE.

Yes, there is support to magnetize your soulmate; yes there is guidance and mastery offered to return to intimate connection in your relationship; yes, there’s gobbles of information on how to reboot your libido that CBTL offers — but it ALL STARTS with LOVE and learning how to come back to it again and again and again…

I re-read this from Mitchell and thought to share it with you:

 Thank you. I realize YOUR work and my desire have brought me to the place I am and it continues to manifest so much happiness and love.  Your passion and desires to share CBTL has brought me back to love, to Mitchell.  Thank you for teaching me, the student, and sharing the tools you have taken many years to gather and share so clearly and concisely.  “Short and sweet”  without you that prayer would look a lot different.   Thank you love.  You know this…I love youā£ļø and will see you tomorrow night with Sandy. Amazing beloved she is…I am so lucky.  Thank you universe!!

I look forward to fostering our deep connection in whatever way feels right to both of us.

In the meantime….have a wonderful day today!

50% Complete

Two Step

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