Leading With Your Heart

Being at the Tantra Festival as a participant this year and traveling for 2 weeks has been life-changing. Especially because in the foreground is the very important awareness and practice of SELF LOVE.
Although I traveled solo for the first few days of my trip, I traveled with a friend for the second part. And although we were at the Festival together, and even sharing a tent, the journey was my own. It was so lovely to share it with a friend, and a co-conspirator on my journey….AND I committed to continue to listen to my own heart and allow myself to be guided.
I have never been so solo in the midst of over 930 people!!! I have to say it was hard sometimes. There were SO many opportunities – too many classes to count offered at the same time. 930 beautiful souls sitting down for a meal together….an abundance of things to experience, places to explore, fun to be had, emotions to dive into….and more.
It truly was a courageous act to CHOOSE; and choose from my heart in every single moment (and I mean that…it was a constant barrage of invitations which gave me exactly what I needed:
You may consider me an extrovert but if you really knew me, you’d know that I replenish from alone time. And you may think that this woman may be so excited to dive into all the classes, and suck the juice out of everything offered with great enthusiasm!
Well….if you were a fly on the wall, or better yet, a bird in a beautiful apple tree on the gorgeous grounds of Angsbacka here’s what you would have seen:
- Sitting quietly alone at lunch on the earth, taking slow bites of deliciously prepared vegan food
- Walking amongst the vegetable gardens in meditation (and jotting down what I heard them say to me)
- Dancing wildly in the crowd or off to the side deeply connected to myself and my own expression of JOY or sadness or whatever was present…IN IT
- Writing, writing, writing next to a rock in the woods during workshop time (having my own personal workshop)
- Meandering from place to place in the evening feeling into the energy of each offering and sometimes choosing quiet time in my tent and a good night’s sleep
In other words, I really FOLLOWED MY HEART and I had a TOTAL BLAST doing it. I learned so much. I have lots of notes to review and I need time to integrate.
My intention before I left was to not only practice self-love, listen to my heart’s desire but also to TRUST that I can follow the guidance of my heart 100% of the time. And TRUST that when I do, all is so very well!