
Magic, Mystery and Manifestation

If you haven’t noticed these newsletters (and therefore my energy) have gotten really LIGHT energetically!  Have you been able to feel it? 

That’s because – as I’ve mentioned before – I’ve begun a whole new way of Being in the world and not only in this world of finite possibilities but in the great world of INFINITE possibilities! 

It feels soooo much more expansive living from that place. AND, it’s the world of magic, mystery and manifestation! 

Sounds weird to some of you, I am guessing.  And some of you are like, “YEAH right on….let’s do this!”

So let’s!

Why live in an finite world with only a few options telling yourself “nah…this isn’t possible” or “oy, this is still such a problem!” when you can create a mindset AND an experience of the total opposite.

In neuroplasticity practice, we resolve that mindset by doing what’s called a POPPOSITE!  Which makes me laugh right away and changes the energy just like that! 

The practice though is quite simple and VERY powerful.

I give Annie Hopper, founder of DNRS, credit because this practice comes from her.  It’s one of the 5 pillars when it comes to changing your mindset and therefore your in-the-moment experience.

Access Consciousness teaches us that our entire lives depend on our POV (point of view) — our perception.  Not only Access but well….the Divine tells us the same.  Or if you study A Course in Miracles, you’ve seen the same…(one Truth, many paths.)

What we THINK tells our body how to BE.  It’s all about BEing in the ENERGY (our true language.) 

So….try this: 

👉 Invite yourself into a day of practice.
👉 I usually suggest people choose a weekend day. 
👉 Intend on catching, becoming aware of, as many negative or limiting beliefs that you can all day long (or even for an hour!)
👉 Choose a POPPOSITE to replace that thought with right away
👉 A POPPOSITE can be anything at all that makes you laugh or joyful
👉 A POPPOSITE brings you ease, joy and glory in the moment
👉 Another tool:  write down a list of POPPOSITES that you can use any time!

Examples of POPPOSITES:

💋 Eating a delicious ice cream sundae
💋 An incredible moment with your kids or grandkids
💋 A roller coaster ride (weee…..!!!)
💋 Praise from a teacher that you really loved
💋 Remembering a walk in the woods
💋 A cuddle with your puppy or partner
💋 A vacation you loved (remember it in detail!)
💋 A hot bath (have one or think about it)
💋 A really good laugh (Laughter Yoga on YouTube)
💋 Dancing in your kitchen

You get the idea!


There are some exciting things coming up that you should keep your eye out for:

😍 Symphony of Possibility Tasters with Dr. Charlie Verge (next date:  Nov 16th at 5:30 pm EST) Your time

💑 The 5 Elements of Intimacy Introductory Workshop (Dates TBD)

💫 Back by popular demand!  Sex Magic and Manifestation 5.0  (totally UPDATED version with spiritual and energetic potency)  This will be a 40 day practice that we do together! Starting Dec 2021. 

And one last thing, in case you didn’t know already – there’s ONE SPOT for a male-identified person to join us in 4 weeks in PUERTO RICO!!!  We are going to stay at the most luxurious place for this year’s Annual Retreat!!! Check in out!

Click here for more info or email me and I’ll give you the scoop!


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