
Have you ever woken up and suddenly realized that you need a vacation?
Or you need to just STOP doing what you’re doing? You need simplicity rather than engaging with all the complexities of life?
That’s how I felt this morning.
I woke up to the sound of my dog barking (my own personal alarm clock….can’t I turn him off on a Saturday morning?) Rolled over and continued relaxing…..had a work call….and then finally landed on my YOGA mat.
I practically threw my phone out the window in order to REALLY DROP IN. And there I found myself….
– I found some tight muscles and joints in unexpected places
– I found deep opening in my hips
– I found my jaw needing to release
– I found tears that were just beneath the surface waiting for an exit
– I found deep R E L A X A T I O N
I found my true nature that thrives on simplicity and knows she is here only for one thing – TO LOVE.
For some of us it’s a 3-day weekend. A time to reflect on the year that has passed, offer forgiveness and compassion where it’s light hasn’t fully shined and step into new….renewed….rebirth.
For me….I see more simplicity. As I look around my bedroom where I write from today, I do see beautiful things. And yet even with the beauty of the sacred objects I’ve placed very purposefully….I see too many ‘thing’ — not enough of the SIMPLICITY I am craving…..
So today I will BE. I will breathe intentionally. I will move slowly. My personal retreat. Simple. Strong. Powerful. R E L A X I N G.
How about you? How will you spend this weekend? What is your intention? Why are you here?