What would it be like if you started to acknowledge YOU?

What would it be like if you started to acknowledge YOU?
When I first started embarking on a spiritual path in earnest (12 years ago), my teacher reflected, “I don’t think you know how to receive!” I was like….whaaat??? Me? I know how to receive.
Hmmm but did I? And what was receiving anyway?
Didn’t I get up every morning, make breakfast, get my kids off to school in a stressful move quicker please or we will be late effort….then come home and go to work?
I had clients. I had friends. I had my kids. I had a life.
But that wasn’t the question. That wasn’t what Maureen, my teacher, was saying….but to be perfectly honest with you! I didn’t know WHAT she was saying!!!!
I really didn’t. RECEIVING? How? What?
I started to get it maybe 8 years later! Yep. I’m a fast learner in many ways but this one really had me stumped….
WHY? Because I didn’t know how to ACKNOWLEDGE myself. True.
I didn’t know that I was ‘supposed’ to do that — to acknowledge who I am, who I BE in the world, the contributions I make to myself, the earth, my children, family, my ex husband, my friends and clients. I didn’t know that I made contributions to people I have never met (in this life.)
So I didn’t know HOW.
But when I learned how and I started acknowledging myself and really getting who I am, who I BE – my whole world opened up!
Limited experiences became INFINITE POSSIBILITIES! At work, at home, in my parenting, with money, travel and more….I started having a LOT OF FUN.
Is NOW the time to shake things up and wake up to your true self? It sure is! I believe the survival of our planet depends on it.
What would it take to receive a gazillion MORE than you’re willing to receive?