Do you know your True Self?

 Our True Self, our Best Interest, our Highest Self, our God Self….what does it all mean? You’ve heard those words before yes? You’ve had someone speak of them, or you’ve been invited to connect with ...
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Have you ever woken up and suddenly realized that you need a vacation?   Or you need to just STOP doing what you’re doing?  You need simplicity rather than engaging with all the complexities of lif...
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What if we all stopped seeking?

There’s a lot of talk out there about “manifesting” — and especially in the last decade or so since The Secret was published (but of course way before that too…..Napoleon Hill, la la la….)  And I myse...
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I don’t know about you but this past week with the full moon and the transition from summer to fall (up here in the northern hemisphere) seemed to create a swirl of energy.   My practice is pretty st...
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Reflections: How Are You Doing After 4 Months of the Pandemic?

When you think back over the last 4 months, what do you see about yourself?  How have you spent this time? What an unexpected series of events these past several months. For me, the unexpected be...
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How Do You Handle Betrayal?

It’s been such an emotional time, huh?  I said from the beginning of the pandemic that we are all being brought to our knees in order to see more clearly (and kiss the ground/earth with gratitude.) ...
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Welcome to a year of SELF LOVE! #ComeBackToLove365

Welcome to 2020!  A year of self-proclaimed “Commitment to Me” and the beginning of an adventure in SELF LOVE. I’m just back from the shortest but most powerful visit to Kripalu Center for Yoga in Le...
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Find peace amidst the chaos of the holidays

So yesterday I wrote you a long missive while sitting in the mall waiting for my daughter while she shopped and enjoyed the holiday energy with a friend of her’s.  It was so much fun to be there and a...
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My Private Journal Entries

Many of you have been asking how I’m doing with the ::SPACE:: I’ve created/taken and what’s happening in the PAUSE?  I’ve been doing a lot of writing about this and today I am choosing to share the w...
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It’s Halloween! Are You Putting On A Mask (or taking one OFF?)

If you are in the US, you might be thinking about Halloween coming up really soon.  Wondering what mask to put on?  I’ve got your back and some good creative thinking around this.  You probably know w...
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